Wednesday, January 19, 2011

7 Action-Ideas To Get Help For Children With ADHD

It can be difficult finding help for children with ADHD. There is so much information available that it's hard to get through it all. Here are some helpful action ideas for parenting ADHD kids. These are things that I have found work for my son and I that allow us to function through the days while being able to have a connection based on love, trust and respect.Structure and Routine.

  1. Establishing a daily routine for your child is so very important. Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder do not respond well to spontaneity or change. They like to know what is going to happen and at what time. We have a routine established in our home and try not to deviate from it. Even the order in which we get ready for school is not altered.
  2. Organization and Time Management. I have a really big calendar that hangs in my kitchen. I put every activity on this calendar for each person in the home. If there is a special event coming up, a school activity, or even a friend coming over to visit I write it all down. It helps my son to be able to visualize. Every morning, he will go and check the calendar to see what's happening that day.
  3. Be Consistent. It takes lot's more work, but being consistent with an ADHD child is very necessary. You need to be consistent in the daily routine and include logical consequences all the time. If "Tommy" does behavior A, he knows that consequence B is going to happen every time. Give him one warning to stop the behavior and then have the consequence happen immediately. You also need to be consistent over the long haul in things you do. I have to remind my son everyday about his table manners. This likely won't change.
  4. Avoid Power Struggles. Children with ADHD will often try to engage you in a debate. Do not do this. Instead give short direct answers and keep repeating them. Instead of raising your voice (to be sure you are heard), try lowering it. Often they will have to get quieter to hear what you are saying.
  5. When giving instruction, break bigger tasks into smaller more manageable tasks for your child. Instead of telling him to set the table, ask him to put the plates on. Once that is accomplished, put the forks and knives on and so on. Being given a big task is often to overwhelming for an ADHD child, if the task is broken into smaller bits, you will see a greater success of completing the task.
  6. Be very specific when giving instructions. When giving instruction to a "normal" child, you might say "John, take out the garbage please" and John would know what to do. The garbage would end up in the appropriate receptacle outside. When giving instruction to an ADD child, you need to be specific in order to help your child successfully complete the task. "John, please tie up the garbage bag, bring it outside and put it in the silver can by the back gate".
  7. Provide an outlet for release of energy. Children that are hyperactive need a safe way to release some of that energy. Getting them involved in a sport such as Karate, or Tae Kwon Do is a constructive way to release energy. I have found that group sports don't work well.

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